Recording Your Baby's Heartbeat
One question we are regularly asked here at Be My Bear is how easy is it to record your unborn baby's heartbeat onto the sound recorder for use in your new Heartbeat Bear. The answer is extremely easy, just follow the steps below if you're due for a Doppler or ultrasound appointment soon, alternatively some people already have the heartbeat on their phones and it's just as easy to record from there too! To get the best results from your Heartbeat Bear we recommend that the recording is done whilst at a Doppler or ultrasound appointment, either at your local NHS hospital during a routine scan or at a private clinic whilst having optional 3D scans of your new baby.

Step 1
Remember to take your recordable sound module with you to your Doppler or ultrasound appointment, you should have a white recordable sound module (orders placed prior to 2019 may have a red heart recordable sound module which we no longer produce).

Step 2
When your Sonographer tells you that they are going to let you listen to your baby's heartbeat, ask if they would mind if you recorded the sound using your recordable sound module. Some Sonographer's are happy to do this for you, other times you may have to do this yourself.

Step 3
Follow the provided instructions for your sound recorder, recording your baby's heartbeat for the full 20 seconds available. It's a good idea to be familiar with the operating instructions of the recorder before your hospital visit - you could even record a test message before your visit.

Step 4
Before leaving, make sure your sound module is working by testing the playback of your baby's heartbeat. This gives you an opportunity to try again in case the wrong button was pressed or something unexpected happens (such as someone sneezing!) during the recording.